Tip of the day: UnrealIRCd 6 uses GeoIP by default. It is shown in WHOIS but also available as country in mask items,

for example it can be used in the TLD Block to serve a Spanish MOTD to people in Spanish speaking countries.

Translations:Upgrading from 5.x/22/en

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Be sure to read the Snomasks article for differences between UnrealIRCd 5 and 6, as the letters have changed! But, even once you have set your snomasks correctly, some server notices will be missing. In practice, it are only a few that have to do with linking, sacommands (SAJOIN/SAPART) and OperOverride. In most cases these are only a small problem. Once all servers are on UnrealIRCd 6 this issue is resolved and you should see everything again.