Tip of the day: Exempt your IP address from bans, just in case you or a fellow IRCOp accidentally GLINES you. |
JSON Methods
- rpc:
- stats:
- log:
- user:
- whowas:
- server:
- channel:
- server_ban:
- server_ban_exception:
- spamfilter:
- name_ban:
JSON Basics
The whowas.*
JSON RPC calls retrieve whowas history of users.
Requires UnrealIRCd 6.1.0 or later.
Structure of a whowas object
A "Whowas object" is used in responses.
The Whowas object looks similar to the Client Object (including an User Object) but is different in the sense that many fields are omitted, and some fields only exist for whowas entries (event, logon_time, logoff_time).
Detail level | Variable | Description | Example value |
0+ | name | The name of the client (nick name, server name, ..) | Syzop
0+ | event | Event that caused the WHOWAS entry to be added, one of: quit , nick-change or server-terminating
0+ | logon_time | Date/time when the nickname logged on (since last NICK change, or if none then identical to connected_since) | 2022-05-23T11:02:06.000Z
0+ | logoff_time | Date/time when the nickname logged off (when the nick change or quit happened) | 2022-05-23T11:02:06.000Z
1+ | hostname | Resolved hostname (or IP) | xyz.example.org
1+ | ip | IP address of the user (empty for services) |
1+ | details | Detailed description of the client. The output depends on the type of client and what information we have. |
2+ | connected_since | Date/time when the client connected | 2022-05-23T11:02:06.000Z
2+ | user.username | The user name / ident | ~xyz
2+ | user.realname | The real name / GECOS | IRC User
2+ | user.vhost | If the user is +x or +t this contains the vhost/cloakedhost
2+ | user.servername | The server to which the user is connected | irc.example.net
2+ | user.account | The account name, if the user is logged in to Services. | SomeAccount
API Calls
Get WHOWAS history of a user. 6.1.0+
Request arguments
Optional arguments:
- nick: the nick name to search for
- ip: the IP address to search for
- object_detail_level: set the detail of the response object, this is similar to the Detail level column in Structure of a client object. In this RPC call it defaults to 2 if this parameter is not specified.
A list of matches (which can be 0, 1 or more). The list of matches contains something similar to a client object, but is not identical, because many client fields are not present in whowas history. It also has the extra field logoff_time which indicates when the user went offline (for whatever reason).
{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "whowas.get", "params": {"nick":"ABCD"}, "id": 123}