Tip of the day: If you want to bypass access checks for channels as an IRCOp, use SAMODE or SAJOIN. Or use OperOverride.

JSON-RPC:Server ban

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The server_ban.* JSON RPC calls can add, remove and list server bans such as KLINE, GLINE, etc.

Structure of a server ban

The following object is used in both request and responses. This is a server ban, such as a GLINE or Spamfilter. It is also used for ban exceptions (ELINE).

Variable Description Example value
type Type of the server ban. One of: gline, kline, gzline, zline, spamfilter,
qline, except, shun, local-qline, local-exception, local-spamfilter.
type_string Type of the server ban in a more friendly user printable string.
Possibly prefixed with "Soft" eg "Soft G-Line".
name The target of the ban or except. For Spamfilter this is the regex/matcher. *@*.badisp.example.net
set_by Name of the person or server who set the ban Syzop
set_at Date/Time when the server ban was added 2022-05-23T11:02:06.000Z
set_at_string Date/Time when the server ban was added in a more human printable string. Mon May 23 11:02:06 2022
expire_at Date/Time when the server ban will expire. NULL means: never. 2023-05-23T10:00:00.000Z
expire_at_string Date/Time when the server ban will expire in a more human printable string.
Uses "Never" for never.
Tue May 23 10:00:00 2023
duration_string How long the ban will last from this point in time (human printable).
Uses "permanent" for forever.
set_at_delta How many seconds ago the ban was placed. 1800
reason The reason of the ban Lots of abuse from this ISP
exception_types Only for ban exceptions! Specifies the exception types (letters).
See HELPOP ELINE for a list of those letters.
match_type Only for spamfilters! The matching type. One of: simple, regex regex
ban_action Only for spamfilters! The action to take on spamfilter hit. gline
spamfilter_targets Only for spamfilters! Which targets the spamfilter must filter on. cpnN

NOTE: Spamfilters are not changed through the server_ban.* API but via spamfilter.*.

API Calls


List server bans (*LINEs).

Request arguments

No mandatory arguments


{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server_ban.list", "params": {}, "id": 123}


Retrieve all details of a single server ban (*LINE).

Request arguments

Mandatory arguments (see structure of a server ban for an explanation of the fields):

  • type
  • name


{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server_ban.get", "params": {"type":"kline","name":"*@"}, "id": 123}


Add a server ban (*LINE).

Request arguments

Mandatory arguments (see structure of a server ban for an explanation of the fields):

  • type
  • name
  • reason
  • the duration, either:
    • expire_at, OR
    • duration_string (important: broken in 6.0.5 stable!!)

Optional arguments:

  • set_by: who set the entry

Example request

{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server_ban.add", "params": {"type":"kline","name":"*@","reason":"testing the API","duration_string":"1h"}, "id": 123}


Delete a server ban (*LINE).

Request arguments

Mandatory arguments (see structure of a server ban for an explanation of the fields):

  • type
  • name

Optional arguments:

  • set_by: who unset the entry


{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "server_ban.del", "params": {"type":"kline","name":"*@"}, "id": 123}