Tip of the day: Channel mode +f is a powerful anti-flood feature. It is also slightly complex. Enable it in your most important channels, and consider setting a default in set::modes-on-join.

Central API

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UnrealIRCd.org Central API Services

Via the central api you can access the Central API Services that the UnrealIRCd team provides online. To request a key go to https://www.unrealircd.org/central-api/

The current Central API Services are: Central Blocklist, Central Spamreport and Central Spamfilter.

These services are available (opt-in) in UnrealIRCd 6.1.3 or newer


The functionality is currently provided via the central-api module.


The https://www.unrealircd.org/central-api/ will guide you on how to request a key and how to set the appropriate configuration. But here is some information anyway, for reference:

When requesting a key

loadmodule "central-api"; // or third/central-api if you are on UnrealIRCd 6.1.2

set {
    central-api {
        request-key ""; // Fill in the key you eventually see at the "Request a key" page

When you have your API key

loadmodule "central-api"; // or third/central-api if you are on UnrealIRCd 6.1.2

set {
    central-api {
        api-key ""; // Fill in the key you received from us.