Tip of the day: If you run multiple servers then consider using Remote includes to share configuration settings.

Translations:User & Oper commands/11/en

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TSCTL OFFSET can be used to adjust the IRCd clock a number of seconds forward or backward. This command should not be used as incorrect usage can stall your server or mass-kill everyone on it. |IRCOp-only |- !UNDCCDENY !undccdeny |Remove a DCCDENY, see DCCDENY earlier in this table. |IRCOp-only |- !USERHOST !userhost |Show the nick, user and host of a user. Normally only used by the client or in scripts.
Note: if you are not an IRCOp then it will show a cloaked hostname if the user is +x (and it's not yourself) | |- !USERIP !userip |Similar to USERHOST but this one shows the IP instead of the hostname.
Note: if you are not an IRCOp then it will show a cloaked IP if the user is +x (and it's not yourself) | |- !USER !user |This command is used by your IRC client during connecting and cannot be executed manually | |- !VHOST <loginname> <password> !vhost |Identify for a virtual host. If successful, then your (visible) host, ident and such will be set of the corresponding Vhost block. |IRCOp-only |- !WALLOPS !wallops |Send a message to all users who have user mode +w (wallops). IRCOp's are the only ones who can send a WALLOPS message, but regular users can still view them if they are +w. |IRCOp-only |- !WATCH .. !watch |This command is used by your IRC client to monitor users on your favorite list or notify list, it should not be executed manually. The IRC server informs the IRC client whenever a user on this list goes online, offline and in some other cases as well such as going AWAY. | |- !WHOIS <nick> [nick] !whois |Show information about <nick> such as name, user, host, what channels he/she is on (subject to some privacy restrictions), the server the user is on, etc.
If you're not on the same server as <nick> then some information such as idle time will be missing from the WHOIS. In such a case you should use /WHOIS Nick Nick rather than just /WHOIS Nick to see the missing information. |IRCOp-only |- !WHO !who |Show who is currently in a channel or on IRC. Basically a way to search the user list. For non-ircops the output is mostly restricted to people you can already see (because you're in the same channel).