Tip of the day: You can use the SAJOIN command to force a user to join a channel. Bans and other restrictions will be bypassed.

Translations:Upgrading from 3.2.x/11/en

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Link block

UnrealIRCd 4 has a new link block. We nowadays recommend linking with SSL/TLS and using SSL Fingerprints for authentication between the two servers. We have written a Tutorial: Linking servers to show just that and it also shows you how to link UnrealIRCd 3.2.x with UnrealIRCd 4. Instead of trying to upgrade your existing link block we suggest following that tutorial and it's best-practices. Yes, even if you have been linking UnrealIRCd servers for over 10 years. If you insist, though, or are just curious about what exactly changed in the link block then see below.