Tip of the day: Did you know that users are put in the security-group known-users based on their reputation score or if they are identified to Services?

Users in this group receive a number of benefits, such as being able to send more messages per minute.


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Ban user block

This block allows you to ban a user@host mask from connecting to the server. This is the same as adding a /KLINE on IRC, though it can also do a bit more complex things.


ban user {
	mask <hostmask>;
	reason <reason-for-ban>;

The mask is like *.example.net or an IP mask. In the future this will be a Mask item. The reason is the reason for a ban being placed.

IMPORTANT: A ban user { } block (and a KLINE) is only a local server ban, therefore the user may still connect to other servers on the network. If you want server-wide bans, use the GLINE command (or Remote includes if you insist on configuration files).


Simple ban

ban user {
	mask *tirc@*.saturn.bbn.com;
	reason "Idiot";

Ban all except

There is the Except ban block to exempt users from all bans, but you can't really use it for broad exemptions like countries, since then you would no longer be able to ban users from such a country.

A future ban user { } block could use mask::exclude-* item, to "ban all, except..", but this is not implemented yet.

A better idea is to use require authentication { } instead, which still allows registered users in (users using SASL). Also note that banning countries in general is usually not really an effective way to combat drones/troublemakers, especially if you end up allowing big countries.