Tip of the day: With the UnrealIRCd administration panel you can add and remove server bans and do other server management from your browser.

Deny link block

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This block allows you to use specific rules to deny a server from linking. It's slightly complex and typically only used on networks with 3 or more servers.


deny link {
	mask <server-name>;
	rule <crule-expression>;
	type <type-of-denial>;

The mask specifies a wildcard mask of the server name to apply this rule to.

The rule directive can be complex. A crule expression allows you to control the link in great detail, and it is set up like a programming expression. If the entire expression of the rule evaluates to true, then the link is denied.

Four operators are supported:

  • connected(<servermask>): returns true if a server matching servermask is connected
  • directcon(<servermask>): returns true if the server matching servermask is directly connected to this server
  • via(<viamask>,<servermask>): returns true if a server matching servermask is connected by a server matching viamask
  • directop(): returns true if the operator issuing a /connect is directly connected to this server

These operators can be combined using && (and) and || (or). Items may also be enclosed in parenthesis () to allow grouping. In addition, if any of the four operators are preceded with a ! then it means NOT.

The type allows two different values::

  • auto: only applies to autoconnects, /connect will still work
  • all: applies to all connection attempts


NOTE: This example is for UnrealIRCd 5.2.1 and later

deny link {
        mask {
        rule !connected(foobar.hub);
        type all;