The process

In order to get a central api key, you need to: What will happen:
Validating your browser...

Request form

This e-mail address will be used to contact you.
Hostname of the IRC server, e.g. This server needs to have the central-api module loaded.
Nick name of an IRCOp on IRC that we can talk to to verify your request.
Here you can say, for example, when you are generally online on IRC / in what timezone.

Load the UnrealIRCd module

Now it is time to load the central API module on your server.
  1. This requires UnrealIRCd 6.1.3 or newer:
  2. Add this to your unrealircd.conf:
    loadmodule "central-api";
    set {
        central-api {
            request-key "4R55mnN3hQ6Am3t3-CbAMoTxv6FEXzU3f";
  3. Rehash the IRC server (REHASH)
After you have done the 3 steps from above, click Next to have our script connect to your server to validate the module is loaded and configured correctly.

Loading the module will demonstrate that the IRC server is under your control. It will also share the following information with us: local user count, global user count, server count. Remember that the automated check will connect to IRC using SSL/TLS on port 6697.


Validating your IRC server...
